Turned out that it wasn't that easy! The reading was manageable, but getting the material for the radio show was another story – I needed to find background information on the various Bible books, decide what insights to share on the show, and so forth.
But it worked! For me, and for the increasing number of listeners who joined the programme and started responding to the show. We started at Matthew, because I thought the New Testament was the better-known part of the Bible, and because I didn't want to get into the tough parts of the Old Testament (Numbers, leviticus, etc...) to soon and get everybody discouraged. One chapter a day meant that we finished Matthew in 4 weeks, and moved on to Mark, then Luke, then John...eventually we finished the New Testament and started the Old Testement. And finished it! And then everybody just kept going, over and over.
It finally dawned on me that this was the perfect method to read through the Bible individually! The beauty of it all is that this is the ultimate personalised programme:
You read a chapter every day (More if you have the time),
at a time that fits you;
and if you fall behind for some or other reason, there's no rush to catch up –
just pick up where you've left off, and carry on.
So here's my challenge to you: Start reading the Bible, a chapter a day, more if you have time, but at least a chapter a day. Start with the New Testament to get into the habit, and then start again at Genesis, and just keep going. It will be the beginning of one of the greatest adventures of your life!
I intend to use this site to post stuff to help you, like background info on the various books, etc., but the most important thing is to start reading. And don't worry if you can't remember everything – just the mere reading of the Bible will change you, your views on life and everything, and bring you to a new understanding of God and his dealings with us.
Yes, there will be lots you don't understand, especially at the beginning. That's OK. The more you read, the more you will get the bigger picture, and the more things will start making sense to you. Just read, and trust God to use his Word to change you.
Use the info in the Bible backround notes to give you a better understanding of each Bible book you read.
(If you're new to the program: for the "howto", click here. For my reasoning behind this method, click here.)