The apostle Paul, assisted by Silas and Timothy.
Why was it written?
After Paul sent his first letter to Thessalonica, the church had somehow been convinced that the "day of the Lord" (the "end times") had already come, and that the second coming of Christ would happen soon. From chapter 2:2 it seems that the source of these lies made it look like it came from Paul, which caused turmoil in the church. Some members had even quit their jobs and were waiting for the second coming. Paul wrote to them again to correct this error.
How and when was it written?
Paul wrote the letter from Corinth in AD 50 or 51, just a few months after the writing of 1 Thessalonians.
First audience and destination:
See notes on 1 Thessalonians for information on Thessalonica and the church there.
Literary style:
A typical first century epistle, containing all four standard elements, written in Koine (common) Greek.
Special themes:
· The reurn of Christ: This was the cause of trouble in the church, consequently it is the main theme.
· The "day of the Lord": Paul applies this Old Testament concept to the return of Christ, which is associated with judgement and the swift destruction of God's enemies.
· Rejection of idleness: As a result of the false teaching members of the church had quit their jobs and were causing trouble in the church. Paul rebuked them sharply, urging them to settle down and get back to work instead of being "busybodies" disrupting the congregation.
Special features
· Like most of Paul's letters, the main body of 2 Thessalonians is split into a doctrinal section, followed by practical application.
· The tone of this letter differs markedly from 1 Thessalonians: In the first letter Paul was warm and enthusiastic about the profress of the church, and calm in giving advice to them. The second letter is much "cooler", with a sharp rebuke of disruptive "busybodies" in the church.
General structure:
¤ Salutation - Chapter 1:1-2
¤ Thanksgiving and prayer - Chapter 1:3-12
¤ Main body - Chapter 2:1-3:15
· Doctrinal - Chapter 2:1-17
·· The second coming of Christ and "the man of lawlessness" - Chapter 2:1-12
·· Call to stand firm in the faith - Chapter 2:13-17
· Practical - Chapter 3:1-15
·· Paul's request for prayer - Chapter 3:1-5
·· Warning against idleless - Chapter 3:6-15
¤ Farewell - Chapter 3:16-18