Everyone has Christmas memories: Some good, some bad; some joyful, some sad.
Like me, some of you may remember the street choirs of long ago, dancing through the night, singing carols, being rewarded with cookies and home-made cold drinks. Years later we got on a big lorry ourselves and drove around, picking random spots to stop and sing a carol or two before moving on. Or what about a cozy family Christmas under huge pine trees, with Mom's ginger beer, festive chicken, and ice-cold prickly pears?
Mention Christmas to anyone, and it's like opening an old suitcase discovered in the attic - random memories jumbled together... Memories about gifts, and occasions, and the people with whom we shared a Christmas sometime long ago.
What we don't have, are memories about the Child of Christmas. We couldn't - we were not in Bethlehem that night. But what would happen if we could meet the people who were there, and let them share their memories with us? What would THEY remember?
For the next few minutes, forget about all your Christmas memories. Let your imagination run wild. Enter a land where you've never been, and yet you've known it all your life. Sit at the feet of an old shepherd, or a wise man from far far away, or even Mary herself. Let them tell us about that first Christmas.
Leave the cynical grownup at the door. Kick off your shoes. Let's become children again, and hear the mystery with new ears. Who knows, maybe we'll even hear a choir sing, somewhere outside a little town...
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