01. Memories
02. Emmanuel
03. Zechariah
04. Gabriel
05. Joseph
06. Heli
07. Money
08. Bethlehem
09. Zebedee
10. Herod
11. Melchior
12. Boy
13. Anna
14. Mary
15. Finale
16. Thank you
Long, long ago
and far far away ...
That's how many of your greatest stories begin.
My story, my plan,
my over-arching obsession,
started before WHEN,
and before WHERE;
before time,
before space,
before anything but I AM.
That's when I thought of you,
fearfully and wonderfully made;
And I loved you
with an everlasting love.
I saw the great journey
from Eden,
to your exile,
to my home;
and I cried
for I saw you, lying by the side of the road,
and hurting,
and dying
And I saw me, broken,
and hurting,
and dying
for no reason, but YOU.
And I knew
As surely as I live
As surely as I am I AM
I would do anything for you.
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